Make popsicles yourself? It’s clear!

Make popsicles yourself – this is a colorful summer trend that is fun and refreshing. Creative recipes that not only taste good for children.

We really feel like making popsicles ourselves – and it’s a lot easier than you think. We have selected the most beautiful recipes from the blogs for you here. If you fancy ice cream instead, we’ll show you how to make ice cream yourself. Here we go!

Frozen bananas on a stick


A simple but genius idea from Ashley on the blog “Cherished Bliss”: frozen banana popsicles topped with sprinkles and melted chocolate.

Beetroot popsicles

Make popsicles yourself: Make delicious popsicles easily at home


In her blog “The View From Great Island” Sue proclaimed a whole “Popsicle Week”. With such a colorful variety, it was difficult to choose, but in the end we decided on the beetroot ice cream: cold summer soup in the form of popsicles, what an idea! The next appetizer for the barbecue is already set… For the recipe on the blog: Beetroot popsicles

Frozen smoothie on a stick

Make popsicles yourself: Make delicious popsicles easily at home


Yvonne from the blog makes the frozen smoothies on a stick “Miss Little” in small paper cases. This is how milk, Greek yoghurt, banana and berries are turned into sweet little snacks for in between. Sweet idea: label the popsicle sticks with the flavor!

Coconut Blood Orange Popsicles

Make popsicles yourself: Make delicious popsicles easily at home

© Laura Bolton

Great look, great combination: Laura from the blog “Fork Knife Spoon” makes popsicles with coconut milk and blood orange juice. For the recipe on the blog: Coconut Blood Orange Popsicles

Stracciatella Strawberry Popsicles

Stracciatella Strawberry Popsicles

© Thomas Neckermann

You don’t need a machine to make this stracciatella strawberry ice cream, just a little time. And if it’s for grown-ups, liqueur is also included. Get the recipe: Stracciatella Strawberry Popsicles

Mango Popsicles

Make popsicles yourself: Make delicious popsicles easily at home

© Thomas Neckermann

We also love popsicles in the BRIGITTE test kitchen. As a little refreshment for in between, we have frozen the mango-orange juice mixture in ice cube trays. Get the recipe: Mango Popsicles

Bourbon cherry milk bar with chocolate and cookie crumbs

Make popsicles yourself: Make delicious popsicles easily at home


Food blogger Sasha Swerdloff’s popsicle “Tending the Table” contains several ingredients that we like: cherries, coconut milk, chocolate, vanilla and biscuits – and if you like it: a dash of alcohol too. For the recipe on the blog: Bourbon cherry milk bar with chocolate and biscuit crumbs

Make your own orange popsicles with black tea

For 8 popsicles you need:

  • 350ml of water
  • 2 tea bags black tea (e.g. from Lipton or Twinings)
  • 120 ml orange juice
  • 1 orange slice
  • Molds for popsicles (e.g. via Amazon)

And this is how you make the ice refreshment yourself:

  1. Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan and turn off the heat. Put two tea bags in the water and let the tea steep for about five minutes. Take out the tea bags and add the orange juice. Let the tea and orange mix cool until it has reached room temperature. Then put the pot in the fridge for about an hour.
  2. As soon as the liquid has cooled down, pour the tea and orange mix into the ice molds. Put a slice of orange in the mold first. Then put the lid on and into the freezer.
  3. The ice now needs a few hours to freeze completely. Once set, it’s ready to be enjoyed. Letting water run over the mold for a moment helps to loosen the ice from the mold.

We discovered the ice cream idea from food photographer Andrea D’Agosto. For even more pretty food inspiration follow her on Instagram.

Coconut milk ice cream with fresh mint and roasted strawberries

Lauren Kodiak, Author at “The Kitchen”steeped coconut milk with fresh mint for her popsicle, then mixed the milk with roasted strawberries.

Fruity popsicle crunch bars

Make popsicles yourself: Make delicious popsicles easily at home


who once on “Sweet and Delish” stopped by knows that Katie enjoys cooking and creating all kinds of delicacies. Katie’s popsicles are actually healthy too, thanks to blueberries, strawberries and yogurt. Cornflakes provide the crunch. For the recipe on the blog: Fruity popsicle crunch bars

Popsicles with edible flowers

Bri Emery of “Design Love Fest” from Los Angeles has taken the classic popsicle and made it a little different – with edible flowers that are frozen with the popsicle.

Banana Split Popsicle

Do you remember banana split? A sliced ​​banana “stuffed” with vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce and whipped cream and served in an oblong sundae. Food blogger Leah Bergman from “Freutcake” has modified the banana split as a popsicle variant – with vanilla ice cream, chocolate toffee, cocktail cherries, salted peanuts and of course bananas. To the recipe in the blog: “Banana Split” popsicles

Ice cream parfait on a stick with custard, granola and raspberries

You could even eat this popsicle for breakfast, writes Sam “Love Cake” about their creation. Also included: milk, muesli and raspberries. For the recipe on the blog: Ice cream parfait on a stick with vanilla pudding, muesli and raspberries

Smoothie popsicles

Farewell to the bad pleasure conscience! The smoothie popsicles from “The Cookie Rookie” Becky is made with natural ingredients: strawberries, blueberries, banana, Greek yogurt and organic sugar. For the recipe on the blog: Smoothie popsicles

Strawberry Popsicles

Make popsicles yourself: Make delicious popsicles easily at home

© Thomas Neckermann

250 grams of strawberries, coconut milk, honey and lime are the secret of this strawberry popsicle, which the colleagues from the BRIGITTE test kitchen came up with – for summery, fruity ice cream enjoyment without a guilty conscience. Get the recipe: Strawberry Popsicles

Mini popsicles

Make popsicles yourself: Make delicious popsicles easily at home

© Sonja Tobias

Popsicles are of course also available in the mini version. What do you need for this? Strawberries and sherbet powder. Go to the recipe: mini popsicles

Strawberry Cheesecake Popsicles

For us, Gemma Stafford is one of the secret ice cream queens. Their two-ingredient ice cream is quick and easy to make – and you can customize it with different ingredients to your heart’s content and taste. If you like strawberries and can’t get past cheesecake, you should definitely try their Strawberry Cheesecake Popsicles. You can find more of Gemma’s videos on her YouTube channel Gemma’s Bigger Bolder Baking.

Fruity popsicles

Also refreshingly good: Gemma’s fruity popsicles with different types of fruit.

Avocado Popsicles

Sounds strange at first, but if you like recipes with avocado, you will definitely love this special popsicle variation. You can find more unusual ice cream flavors on the YouTube channel Cooking Stoned.

Popsicles with salt and celery

And if you’re really brave, you might try the “ice lollies with salt and celery” variant.

Popsicles with watermelon and jalapeño

Or try this interesting variant with watermelon and jalapeño.

Popsicles with peas, mint and chocolate

Jasmine and Melissa are sisters and share on their blog Hemsley and Hemsley with her followers recipes from salad to dessert. Their recipe for popsicles with peas, mint and chocolate is on the page kodomo released.

That’s why we make popsicles ourselves

Attention, Magnum, Capri and Co. – this summer you will have ice-cold competition! In the US, people have long been crazy about homemade popsicles, also known as “ice pops”. Now the trend is finding more and more fans in Germany too. With natural ingredients and lots of fruit, it’s not just children who like homemade popsicles.

Making popsicles yourself is very easy: molds made of plastic or silicone are available for little money; You can also fill the ice cream mass into small glasses or yogurt cups and freeze it. Fill the molds with the ice cream mass of your choice – this can be fruit juice, fruit puree or milk, yoghurt or coconut milk. And then: put it in the freezer for at least four hours. When the ice begins to freeze, stick a wooden or plastic stick into the batter. We will also show you how to make ice cream yourself.

You don’t need an ice cream machine to make popsicles yourself. Just a bit of imagination – or creative recipes. We’ve looked around the web and come up with a few ideas.

There are even more ideas for homemade ice cream here.

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