make your lip balm at home

Tutorial: make your lip balm at home

/ D.I.Y. / Tutorials / Tutorial: make your lip balm at home

You have cold chapped lips or dry lipstick. You want a 100% natural and hydrating remedy. Sylvie Hampikian, author of the book Create your organic cosmetics at Terre Vivante editions gives us 3 recipes for homemade lip balms. Follow the guide …
Lips are sacred. To prevent them from drying out and becoming dehydrated, it is better to take care of them daily. You are a DIY fan and you like to experiment. Know that it is very easy to make a homemade lip balm, 100% natural. All you need is to have a few ingredients in your possession and follow the recipes offered by Sylvie Hampikian, passionate about medicinal plants, but also veterinary doctor and expert pharmaco-toxicologist. The advantage is that all the products offered are edible, they smell good and above all that they have incredible virtues.
The ingredients necessary for the various lip balm preparations:

  • Beeswax: "It forms a protective film on the surface of the skin and limits the evaporation of water," says Sylvie Hampikian. It is a thickener that forms the basis of natural lip balm.
  • Olive oil has many benefits. It is nourishing, protective, soothing and restorative. "It penetrates well into the skin while leaving a protective film," says the expert in natural remedies.
  • Shea and cocoa butter. Like olive oil, it is nourishing, protective, soothing and restorative. "But it brings a more compact texture of balm without necessarily needing to add wax." Shea butter is rich in unsaponifiables. "Non-lipid substances found naturally in vegetable oils and butters, including vitamin E, with restorative and healing properties," explains Sylvie Hampikian. The icing on the cake, cocoa butter brings "a delicious aroma of white chocolate". What more ?
  • Vanilla. In addition to perfuming the lip balm, it "brings a relaxing, reassuring effect".
  • Coffee: "the ground grain fibers have an exfoliating effect", explains Sylvie Hampikian. This means that they have the power to mechanically remove dead skin from the surface of the skin. "This effect is softened by olive oil which acts as an emollient (softens and relaxes stretched or dried out tissue).
  • Sweet almond: hydrates and protects the skin. It is extremely nourishing.
  • Organic jojoba vegetable oil is protective and softening. It is known for its calming and restorative action.
  • Honey provides many benefits. It is particularly nourishing and healing.

Utensils essential for the preparation of lip balms:

  • A small whisk or a wooden spoon
  • Small glass or plastic jars, or iron boxes for storage

Homemade lip balm recipe ideas concocted by Sylvie Hampikian

Shea butter, cocoa and vanilla lip balm
This rich and soothing lip balm has a very pleasant taste…

Preparation: 1/2 teaspoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon jojoba oil (failing this, sunflower or grape seed)
1 teaspoon of shea butter
1/2 teaspoon melted cocoa butter (about 2.5 g)
1/2 level teaspoon of beeswax granules
6 drops of aromatic vanilla extract

Realization: “in a double boiler, melt the two vegetable butters over low heat with the two oils and beeswax. When all the ingredients are melted, remove from heat and add the vanilla extract while continuing to turn. Immediately pour into small balm jars or into specially designed tubes. "

Lip balm with vanilla oil and honey
This rich and soothing lip balm has a very pleasant taste…

Preparation: 1 level teaspoon of white beeswax granules
2 teaspoons of sweet almond oil
2 teaspoons of oily vanilla macerate (in stores specializing in home cosmetics (aromazone) or in delicatessens)
1/2 teaspoon acacia honey
3 to 4 drops of aromatic vanilla extract (pastry extract is suitable)

Realization: "melt the wax, honey and oils in a double boiler over low heat, stirring constantly. When all the ingredients are melted, remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract while continuing to turn. Immediately pour into small balm jars or into specially designed tubes »

Soft lip scrub with coffee
This scrub detaches dead skin. It softens the lips.
Preparation: 3 pinches of finely ground coffee (or marc from the same coffee)
a few drops of olive oil

Realization: "mix the ingredients in a cup so as to obtain a slightly oily paste of the consistency of a balm. Apply this paste with your finger on the lips and delicately rub to gently remove dead skin. Remove excess with a cloth (washable wipe if possible), then rinse with clear water "

So, ready to make your own homemade lip balm yourself?

Sylvie Hampikian is the author of the books I make my balms, gels, ointments and Create your organic cosmetics published by Terre vivante.