Make your own zero waste bee wrap in 10 minutes

We are now all concerned with the preservation of the environment and our health, and the trend is towards zero waste, that's good! In practice, it is very easy to switch to sustainable, ecological, and healthy alternatives. The Bee-Wraps are the proof: these reusable natural, ecological and healthy packaging replace food films and aluminum foil …

What is bee wrap?

These are beeswax and fabric packaging, reusable for several years, zero waste and ideal for storing any raw product or raw food. It is quite possible to buy them on the internet, where there are many models of Bee Wraps, also called beeswax in English.
The advantage? 100% natural, without risk to health or the environment. Once used, in case of soiling or stains, simply wash it with cold water and soap, then leave it to dry. Bee wraps can last a long time, more than a hundred times depending on the range and use!

No time to do them? Here are some favorite Bee Wraps:

– The embeillage – lot of 3 organic bee wraps made in France, € 18.90

– Greenzla – Set of 6 organic cotton bee wraps + wax refill, € 17.83

Necessary material :

  • Pieces of cotton fabric, the shape of your choice
  • Natural beeswax beads
  • Parchment paper or baking paper (see here wide roll 38 cm x 100m Albal)
  • Iron

Choose fabrics

As for the shapes, think about the containers you have (rectangles, squares, ovals) and the use you want to make of them (wrap your snacks, children's snack, a sandwich, fruit, cover your open dishes, protect your pasta salads, etc.)
For the patterns, dare the flowers and the stars, even if it means adding color to your kitchen and your lunch boxes!
For the materials, cotton will be the most ecological and the healthiest.

Pack of 35 fabrics with floral patterns 30 x 30cm, € 17 on Amazon

Lot of 35 cotton fabric coupons 25 x 25 cm with multiple patterns, € 10.41 on Amazon

Pack of 8 pieces of cotton fabrics with cartoon patterns 40 x 50 cm, € 16.97 on Amazon

Coupon of certified organic fabric with pink flowers 45 x 65 cm, € 5.99 on Mondial Tissus

Obtain beeswax beads

Beeswax is the product naturally secreted by honey bees, which use it to build the combs of hives and store honey and pollen there. Beeswax is edible, due to its insignificant toxicity similar to vegetable waxes. It is approved as a food additive in the European Union under number E901. Beeswax is used mainly in cosmetics, candles, and ointments.

Natural beeswax pearls 1 kg unrefined, € 21.11 on Amazon free delivery

Bee wrap maison: Instructions for use in 10 minutes flat

Step 1 :
Spread a sheet of baking paper topped with one of the pieces of fabric. On your ironing board, place one of the sheets of baking paper topped with one of the cotton fabrics. Depending on your needs, plan pieces of fabric of different sizes.

2nd step : Sprinkle the fabric with beeswax beads. Cover the surface of your fabric with nuggets of beeswax. There must be enough to cover the entire surface of the fabric once the wax has melted.

Stage 3 : Place the second sheet of baking paper. Once the nuggets are distributed on the cotton fabric, lay over the second sheet of parchment paper. Finally pass the iron over the entire surface to melt the beeswax. Thanks to the baking paper, it will be possible to see transparently where the wax has melted uniformly. It will be necessary to check that the wax is spread over the entire surface, to obtain efficient and resistant ecological packaging.

Step 4: Leave to dry for at least 4 to 5 minutes with the baking paper, before gently removing it. It is not necessary to make both sides of the fabric, only one is enough.

And then, how do you wash and care for bee wrap?
Do not worry about hygiene and practicality: just rinse the bee wrap with soap and water, and allow it to dry before using it again. A simple Marseille soap will be perfect!

Why should you avoid aluminum and plastic stretch film?

Aluminum: Its accumulation in the body could increase the risk of cancer, especially if it is heated in the oven. Aluminum is present in food aluminum, cosmetology and surgery. The EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) has set a "tolerable dose" for aluminum of 1 mg per kg of weight per week. In practice, it is therefore better to avoid sources of food aluminum (food additives E173, E541, E420, aluminum foil, etc.).

Stretch film: Used daily to store our preparations and in commercial food packaging, it is potentially dangerous for health. Bisphenol A (BPA) is thought to be carcinogenic when it comes into direct contact with food. Like all plastics, manufacturing requires the extraction of petroleum, which contributes to the destruction and pollution of ecosystems. When the plastic is in contact with food, endocrine disruptors of additives can migrate into food.

A very good reason to opt for this ecological packaging!

What is bee wrap packaging?

These are entirely ecological packaging made from tiisu coated with beeswax. Reusable for several years, zero waste and ideal for storing all food, they replace stretch food film and aluminum foil. They are very practical to wrap your snacks, the children's snack, a sandwich, fruit, cover your opened dishes, protect your pasta salads …

How to make a homemade bee wrap?

To make your own bee wraps, you need pieces of cotton fabric in the shape of your choice, natural beeswax beads, parchment paper, and an iron. In practice: on the ironing board, place a sheet of parchment paper covered with a cloth, then pour the balls evenly over its entire surface. Then add a second sheet of baking paper, and gently iron with the hot iron until all the wax has melted. Leave the wax to dry for 4 to 5 minutes, before removing the parchment paper. And that's all !

How to use and wash your bee wraps?

Bee wraps can be used like cling film or aluminum foil: in contact with our hands, the wax-coated fabric softens and can cover your containers and stand alone on the sides. For maintenance and washing, simply rinse the bee wraps with soap and water, and allow them to dry.

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