Making a pop up card: simple instructions and ideas

Making a pop up card is not difficult at all. With the simple instructions you can create birthday cards & Co. in no time at all!

Greeting cards are a dime a dozen – how can you find the right one? If you want to give away special greetings, a pop-up card is the right choice! And you can easily make such a pop-up card yourself. We'll show you the basics and great ideas for inspiration.

Make a pop up card – the basics

For your self-made pop up card you need:

  • Glue
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • Solid paper for inside
  • (Colored) construction paper for outside
  • For decorations: pens, stickers, …

Make a pop up card – simple instructions

A classic pop up card is easy to make, this is how the basic principle works:

  1. If the papers are not the size you want, cut them accordingly. Both are given the same format so that they fit together exactly. They'll be glued together at the end.
  2. Fold the sturdy paper in half, it will become the inner part of the card. Make sure that the ends are exactly on top of each other.
  3. Put the folded paper in front of you. With the pencil, draw two lines on the fold, one to two centimeters apart. You can do this in one or more places, depending on how many pop-ups you want.
  4. Then you cut along this mark. You can also cut directly into the paper without marking.
  5. Now open the card and carefully fold the flaps inwards.
  6. When you close the card again, you should now see a hole on the side.
  7. Open the pop-up card, decorate the background as you like, e.g. B. with calligraphy, embossing, stickers, etc.
  8. In the next step you use the glue. Put some of it on the tabs and stick your pop up motif on it. Let it dry briefly.
  9. Finally, glue the colored construction paper to the outside of the decorated paper. Apply some glue to the top and bottom, not in the middle!

Ideas for birthday, Christmas & Co.

If you want to say thank you to someone or make your favorite person happy on Valentine's Day, this is one Pop up card with heart just the thing! The Youtube channel Kreativ with Lena shows how easy it is in its video:

We'll show you even more great ideas for pop up cards here:

Whether for Christmas, as a greeting card or a paper bouquet – a pop-up card is a real eye-catcher and fits every occasion!

Here you can find more great ideas for handicrafts with paper or handicrafts with plaster of paris.

Do you already know the BRIGITTE Community? There you can exchange ideas with others about any ideas you can do yourself.
