Malaysia Airlines: a look back at the story of flight MH370 which disappeared in 2014: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Nine years after the events, the mystery of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 remains unsolved. On the night of March 8, 2014, 239 people took off from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at 12:41 a.m. bound for Beijing, China. A flight that was to last six hours and for which the teams were prepared. As reported FranceInfo at the time of the incident, the plane had enough fuel reserves to fly for eight hours. However, approximately one hour after departure, the device disappears from Malaysian civilian radar screens. The latter continues to appear on military radar until 02:15 but is not identified as flight MH370. After the loss of contact, halfway between the coasts of Malaysia and Vietnam, the plane changed course and headed west, then northwest. The last satellite communication is recorded at 08:11 but no data allows the geolocation of MH370. A mysterious disappearance that has never been solved, despite numerous searches. The carcass of the device having never been foundso it is difficult, without a black box, to understand what happened.

Flight MH370 missing: the relatives of the passengers very reassembled

For nine years, the relatives of 239 passengers have been hoping for answers. At the time of the plane’s disappearance, a search had been carried out and only a few pieces of debris could be found. In 2018, an investigation report was published but this did not provide any new information. What provoke the anger of the families of the victims. During a meeting at the Malaysian Ministry of Transport, several of them had spoken, as reported The Dispatch at the time of the facts. “It’s so disappointing, I’m frustrated, there’s nothing new”, said Intan Maizura Othman, whose husband was on board. “Many have asked questions”, said G. Subramaniam, whose son was on the plane. A few years later, could the investigation finally take a new turn? Will the plane soon be located? A team of scientists wants to help the investigators and has therefore proposed tostudy the scattered debris dispersed in the Indian Ocean. As stated West France, Thursday August 24, 2023, it is the shells attached to these pieces of cabin found over the years that will be analyzed. New hope for the relatives of the victims, since the research was stopped in 2019.

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