Mallorcans protest against mass tourism and besiege Instagram bay

“We are digging our own grave”: Mallorcans protest against mass tourism and besiege Instagram bay

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On Sunday (16 June), residents of Mallorca occupied the bay of Calo des Moro. The reason: The narrow beach is visited daily by hundreds of holidaymakers for Instagram photos.

Around 300 residents of Mallorca occupied the popular “Instagram bay” Calo des Moro on Sunday morning (June 16), reports the “ Mallorca Newspaper “. The inhabitants of Mallorca protested against mass tourism on the island. The protest was organized by the Mallorca Platja Tour initiative.

Locals in front of holidaymakers on the beach

The first protesters arrived at the beach at eight o’clock in the morning to arrive before the first tourists. Among the people who gathered at Calo des Moro were families, senior citizens and young people.

One demonstrator, Antoni Riera, said of the action: “It is necessary to stop all this (Editor’s note: mass tourism) because we are digging our own graves if we continue like this.” Part of the protest was also an information campaign for tourists, in which flyers were distributed in English.

Police break up demonstration at noon

The protest was peaceful. However, at 12:30 p.m. the Mallorca police broke up the protest, reports the “ Mallorca Magazine The police ordered the protesters to remove the signs reading “Tourists go home”. The officers broke up the demonstration because it had not been registered.

Overall, this protest was more successful than the first one in June, which only attracted 40 people. According to the Mallorca newspaper, another large demonstration against mass tourism is planned for the end of July.

Politicians want to combat mass tourism

In recent months, there have been repeated protests against mass tourism on Mallorca. The mayor of the capital Palma de Mallorca, Jaime Martinez, has, according to the “ Mirror “ proposes to introduce a limit on the number of holidaymakers, rental cars, cruise ships and holiday homes.

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