man arrested after opening fire at Colorado Supreme Court

An armed man forced his way into the headquarters of the Colorado Supreme Court in Denver, where he opened fire and caused significant damage before being arrested, local police announced Tuesday, January 2.

The Supreme Court of this western US state recently declared Donald Trump unfit to run for president in the state, but the link with the shooting has not been demonstrated, she said. precise.

The events took place during the night from Monday to Tuesday. The man, whose identity has not been released, was involved in a car accident, during which he pointed his gun at another driver. He then shot out a window of the Supreme Court building and then threatened an unarmed security guard.

The suspect then went to the sixth floor of the building, where he opened fire several times, then surrendered about two hours later, according to police.

“There is significant and widespread damage to the building. The case is still ongoing “she specifies, adding that no injuries have been reported. “At this time, it is believed to be unrelated to previous threats against Colorado Supreme Court justices.”she added.

The Colorado Supreme Court declared Donald Trump ineligible for the presidency on December 19 due to his attitude during the assault on the Capitol in Washington on January 6, 2021. This decision, which caused shock, was followed another similar one taken by the American state of Maine on December 28. The Supreme Court of the United States, the highest court in the country, is expected to rule on this question in the coming months.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In the United States, Donald Trump excluded from the Colorado primary

The World with AFP

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