Man stabbed to death in Italy – wife and children arrested

In Italy, a 40-year-old woman and her sons, 20 and 15, apparently killed the husband and father with knives and then fell into a ravine.


A deadly family dispute caused a stir in Italy. A 40-year-old woman and her sons, 20 and 15, are said to have stabbed her husband and father multiple times with knives, prosecutors in the coastal city of Salerno said. Numerous media reported in their Saturday editions about the act, which prosecutors described as “horrible and bloody”. The three suspects from the small community of Giffoni Valle Piana in the south were arrested on Friday.

According to their own statements, the investigators assume that the act of violence happened at the end of July. On July 30, the wife arrived at the Giffoni Valle Piana carabinieri station and reported her husband missing. However, the police had doubts about the woman’s statement and wanted to view the video footage from the surveillance cameras on the house. According to the information, this was overwritten. An expert therefore restored the old recordings.

According to the announcement, the investigators saw in the pictures how the three stabbed the man lying on the ground – under the eyes of an eleven-year-old child. After that, they cut off the dead baker’s leg, put the body in a plastic bag and took the body away. The fire brigade finally found the dead man in a chasm in the mountains near Giffoni Valle Piana.

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