“Manhattan Effect”: The toxic behavior pattern is bad for the relationship

“Manhattan Effect”
The toxic behavior can put your relationship at risk

“Manhattan Effect”: In the video we explain why it could cause you to move away from each other.

Your favorite person just got a great opportunity, but you can’t really be happy about it? This psychological phenomenon is called the “Manhattan Effect”. What exactly is behind it and why the “Manhattan Effect” is bad for your relationship, you can find out in the video.

Many people know this: Your partner has been given a great opportunity that he/she may have been looking forward to for a long time. This can be a job offer, a training place, the chance for a sabbatical or a stay abroad. And although you know that you should actually be happy for your favorite person, uneasiness sets in. You are afraid of change. Psychologists call this phenomenon the “Manhattan Effect”.

“Manhattan Effect”: What is it doing to us?

The psychological behavior pattern is named after the Woody Allen film “Manhattan,” in which the main character begs his girlfriend to give up her semester abroad and instead stay with him in New York City. You can find out what the “Manhattan Effect” is all about and why the behavior could be bad for your relationship in the video.

Source used: miss.at


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