Mantras for more self-confidence – give it a try!

Thought trick
Say 5 mantras a day – and you will become more confident in the long run

© De Visu / Shutterstock

In order to strengthen ourselves from within, we sometimes just have to persuade ourselves well. These mantras will help you on your way to more self-confidence.

In order to gain more self-confidence, you can take advantage of coaching, go on trips or face bigger challenges again and again. But you can also start small – at home, without much effort. The book author Leonie Malinowski ("On the journey to my consciousness") recommends 5 mantras in order to achieve more self-love and self-confidence. Important: It is best to repeat these mantras daily – aloud or in silence. Only in this way can the beliefs manifest themselves in consciousness and subconsciousness.

1. Now is the time to recognize and develop my potential

This mantra is intended to focus you specifically on your talents. It is important that you break free of other beliefs like "I can never do this" or "I can't do this" and instead recognize how much potential there is in you.

2. I go to my full strength

Becoming aware of your potential is only the first step. You also have to surrender to your strength! Fears, anger, sadness, and conditioning keep us from seeing freely every day. They occupy our minds and close our eyes to the beauty and the really important things in life. With this sentence you make it clear to yourself: Now I concentrate completely on what makes me strong.

3. I free myself from all fears

Fear can protect us, but it can also slow us down. Perceive the fear, but then let it go. You will quickly realize: At this moment you are the designer of your happiness.

4. I love myself, so I take care of myself

Those who love each other take responsibility for themselves and make sure that they are fine. A very essential insight to gain self-confidence and strength from within. When was the last time you treated yourself to something really nice?

5. I allow myself to be happy

Yes, you can be happy – you deserve it! Leave behind whatever is holding you back. Regardless of whether it's in love, at work or in everyday life – shake it off. You're worth it!

Book cover: On the journey to my consciousness

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In Leonie Malinowski's book "On the Journey to My Consciousness" you will learn even more about how to better come into contact with yourself. 19.90 via Amazon.

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