MaPrimeRnov’, CEE… why it is still insufficient in the face of thermal colanders

MaPrimeRnov’ reboots. Since April 15, the state has strengthened its system by increasing the aid granted for the installation of a virtuous heating system by 1,000 euros. Despite this boost, MaPrimeRenov’ and other energy renovation aid are not enough to solve the problem of the 4.8 million thermal sieves in France.

644000: this is the number of files financed by MaPrimeRenov’ in 2021. Since April 15 and until the end of 2022, the state has boosted aid for the installation of a renewable energy heating system by 1,000 euros making it possible to get out of gas or fuel oil, regardless of the income bracket concerned. The Minister for Ecological Transition thus hopes to reduce the country’s dependence on imported fossil fuels.

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However, despite the number of files financed by MaPrimeRenov’, combined with the aid provided by energy certificates (EEC), there are still no less than 4.8million thermal sieves in France. And time is running out. By 2023, dwellings rated G on the DPE and consuming more than 450 kWh per m2 and per year will no longer be subject to a new rental contract. In 2025, it will be the turn of the last G dwellings, then of the F-classified dwellings in the DPE in 2028. Thus, by 2028, no more thermal sieves can be offered for rent.

Despite the CEE or MaPrimeRnov’, what is really preventing these homes from being made less energy-consuming?

MaPrimeRenov’ and CEE: tips for receiving work aid

A simple bonus and not a global aid

The middle envelope issued by MaPrimeRenov’ s’lve 3200 euros. Changing your heating system to a heat pump costs an average of 12,000 euros. Even adding the additional energy sieve exit bonus of 1,500 euros and the 4,000 euros for the heating boost, the remaining amount to be paid still amounts to 3,200 euros. A substantial sum for some households. But, above all, this concerns only heating.

To exit the thermal sieve system, you must at least carry out insulation work on the walls, attic, floor, change the windows then think about changing your heating system to switch to a heat pump, laments Audrey Zermati, strategy director of Effy. Work which, without help, amounts to between 25,000 and 40,000 euros. With aid, the rest to pay is between 10,000 and 15,000 euros for the most modest. This is a big financial effort for households.

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Whether they come from the state or from energy suppliers, these bonuses and aid certainly lighten the bill but remain limited compared to the overall budget for this work.

MaPrimeRnov’: 1000euros more to carry out your work

You should have help from 10,000 euros on a work package and not just for a heat pump, regrets Arthur Bernagaud, director of the Hellio individual residential unit. We need more logic, consultation of professionals and above all a more global approach. 1000euros more for a heat pump implies that there will be no education on the insulation before. Especially since the heat pump is not always suitable.

It would be necessary to finance packages of work

We worked a lot on the subsidy side but not enough on the financing side. We tend to ease our conscience by creating tools that don’t actually work, like the eco-PTZ. Funding for households is not worked out enough. How do you ensure financing, the repayment of a loan with energy bills that will continue to increase? We risk an energetic precariousness of the French, wonders Audrey Zermati.

A vision shared by the director of the Hellio individual residential division: The price of energy is rising, as for food and materials. It should more visibility, legislate and finance packages of works. In addition, banks and private organizations are trusted to distribute the eco-PTZ. But they have no interest in doing so.

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The 1000euros additional MaPrimeRenov’ agreements have a clear impact on the rest of the household, welcomes all the same Audrey Zermati. Before qualifying: But this increase risks being neutralized by the forthcoming reduction in the amounts of the energy premiums (EEC). We must revise the ambitions of energy suppliers upwards, or even make the additional 1,000 euros permanent. But all this will only be reviewed at the end of the year.

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