Marc Dutroux: insults, projectiles and arms of honor… His chaotic life in prison


On the social network TikTok, videos of Marc Dutroux have been published. We see the serial killer in his prison.

He was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder, rape and kidnapping. Imprisoned, Marc Dutroux continued his sentence in prison. But now videos of him have been published on TikTok. In the three sequences, we can thus see him walking in the prison yard. He is also filmed when prisoners take him to task. He is insulted, receives throws of projectiles. He will simply respond with an arm of honor. For RMChis lawyer confirmed that it was his client.

“The man appears in a t-shirt and shorts, which tends to suggest that the images are not recent, but could date back to last summer”specify our colleagues from Parisian. According to his lawyer, the serial killer was filmed by other prisoners. Incarcerated in the prison of Nivelles, Marc Dutroux had already been the target of this type of action in 2020. “He is considered by most to be a circus phenomenon”, added his lawyer. The prison service spokeswoman did not comment on the “personal situation of a detainee” but said that “all security measures are taken to prevent the presence of mobile phones among inmates in prisons”.

Life imprisonment

Marc Dutroux has been held in solitary confinement for 24 years. In 2004, after seven years in preventive detention, he was sentenced to life imprisonment for the abduction, kidnapping and rape of six girls and young girls in 1995 and 1996, as well as the death of four of them – two murdered and two starved to death.


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