Marianne James: her weight, her waistline … she confides without complex! : Current Woman Le MAG

Her weight, waist and obesity, Marianne James assumes them. At 58, the actress feels good about herself and does not intend to lose her pounds, considered by some to be too much. “I am 58 years old, I am 1.80 m tall and weigh 130 kg. You have to live with it. But my pounds make me sing like never before ”, she confides in the columns of Marie-France, Friday April 3, 2020. Confined at home, the ex-juror of The New Star played the Q&A game for the interview "dressing room".

“Every Sunday, I become aunt ham”, she says. To feel comfortable, she opted for stretch pants and a tunic from Marina Rinaldi (boutique up to size 60, editor's note). Known for her outspokenness, she reveals without taboo or complex: “Since there was only 52 left – I make 58 – I bought two to make one. And I never leave my ultra-comfortable Nike Air. " In love with life, but also with Bertrand Edl since 2016, the lyric singer does not intend to respond to the dictates of current beauty

"The medical school would like me to lose 40 pounds"

In an interview granted at Télé-Loisirs in April 2019, she explained :I've been living in Paris for 40 years. So I gained a kilo a year. What for me, considering the devourer that I am in every sense of the term, is that slab. So actually the medical school would like me to lose 40 pounds. Honestly, if I lost them, I'm not even sure you would invite me back. They would blame me ”. After losing nearly 140 pounds during her life, according to her calculations, Marianne James prefers to appreciate her curves rather than fighting against them. A philosophy of life that she has applied for many years.

Already in 2015, she reminded our colleagues of Telestar in 2015 : "The most important thing is that I feel good about myself. And these are not empty words. His secret to always be as radiant? "I'm going to repeat a sentence that some people don't understand: 'Inner beauty ends up being seen'. My family, my friends, my happiness … it all shows up on my face"This is what is said!

Read also : Marianne James recounts the day when Fabrice Luchini “badly rebuffed” her on the set of ONPC