Marie Nasemann: Honest insights as a mother of two! “Not every day is awesome on vacation”

Marie Nasemann
“Not every day is awesome on vacation”

© Future Image / imago images

Marie Nasemann also lets her fans share moments when she is not feeling well on Instagram. This time the mother of two gives an update from her vacation.

Marie Nasemann, 33, gives an honest insight into her vacation as a wife and mother of two. Together with her husband Sebastian Tigges, the former “Germany’s Next Top Model” candidate has a son and a daughter. The little one only saw the light of day in October 2021 and her firstborn is just two years old. This makes their everyday life eventful, lively and chaotic. In order to switch off, Marie and Sebastian now dared the adventure of vacation: They flew abroad with their two small children – to Italy.

Sleepless nights with the baby – the mother of two is in a bad mood

For a few days now, the blogger has been sharing her holiday impressions with her fans on Instagram. Sun, blue sea, cuddles with the kids – it couldn’t be nicer. But the environmental activist also shows the dark side. “Not every day is great on vacation. Today, for example, I was in a bad mood more or less the whole day,” writes Marie on a recording that shows her tired and worn out. “Poor @tigges,” she turns to her loved one. Her little daughter is not entirely innocent of the mood swings, as she describes in the next photo in her Instagram story: “The night was very modest. The little one was often awake and cried and woke up wide at half past four this morning [sic]”.

Marie Nasemann: "Not every day is awesome on vacation"


Does Marie Nasemann suffer from histamine intolerance?

But the mother of two has another problem: “I’m kind of through with a glass of red wine and have a rash on my arms [sic].” The author suspects histamine intolerance to be the cause. Back in Germany, Marie will first see a specialist, as she lets her fans know.

And as if that wasn’t enough, the model also has premenstrual syndrome (PMS). “Why exactly did God or Mother Nature or whoever come up with that?” She wants to know from her followers in relation to menstruation and promptly receives a lot of feedback. “So that our fierce power is curbed and we don’t immediately seize world domination,” jokes a user and Marie Nasemann agrees with the words “Only correct answer”.

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