Marie Varnerot case: “Are you a monster?”, the chilling words of the girl’s mother

Sentenced to 20 years in prison a second time for the murder of her daughter, Marie Varnerot’s mother was already making chilling remarks five years ago. Explanations.

Anita Varnerot has already been serving her 20-year prison sentence for five and a half years for the murder of her daughter act as cruel as it was sordid of which she had been found guilty during a first trial before the assizes of Melun in January 2017. Facts which date back precisely to April 17, 2014 at the family home of Maincy, a town in Île-de- France located 1 hour from Paris. The same verdict was pronounced after five days of hearing on September 13, 2022. If she never ceases to proclaim her innocence, Anita Varnerot did not succeed in convincing the jurors of the capital who tried to understand following their Melunian counterparts how and why a mother a priori “sane” gave his 17-year-old daughter no less than 14 tablets of Zolpidem (a very strong barbituric acid usually given to patients who suffer from sleep disorders) before trying to strangle her. No specific motive has so far motivated the crime of the accused.

These are therefore the same facts, testimonies and exhibits that were presented to the court last month. The astonishment was on the other hand as strong as five years ago. “When you have committed such a horrible crime, it is completely human to claim your innocence until the end so as not to tarnish your family.“, thundered at the time Avi Bitton, the lawyer for Marie’s father. An expert then pointed to a latent conflict between the mother and the daughter, the consequence of an abandoned relationship. Called to the bar, the former employer d’Anita had told how she had already simulated a burglary in her business, a testimony thus corroborating certain elements against Anita, in particular “murderer’s call” and the “artificial mess” in the Varnerot apartment. If he conceded to stumble against “dark sections“of the file, the Advocate General Thierry Donard had, for his part, wanted to recall the chilling remarks made by the accused during his last hearing in police custody: “To the question ‘are you a monster?’ she answered yes.” A sufficient reason to require 20 years of criminal imprisonment against Anita Varnerot.

These clues that cause trouble in the Marie Varnerot affair

Why did Anita murder her daughter? How could she get such a dose of barbiturates? During the trial, the portrait of a woman versed in the art of lying was painted. Anita would thus have obtained two boxes of sleeping pills “by manipulating” a friend, assistant in a pharmacy in Mée-sur-Seine, a small town about ten minutes from Maincy. During the assizes, the latter confessed to having acted at the time by “kindness“, unaware that she was providing a “tool of death“to the accused:”She told me it was for her, that she suffered from insomnia“. Anita Varnerot would then have replied immediately: “It was for my daughter. It was she who suffered from terrible insomnia.” Out of school, Marie had distanced herself from the social life of a “normal” teenager, staying awake especially at night, long hours during which she remained on social networks. The civil party highlighted the girl’s desire to get closer to her father, an emancipation that would have fed the unhealthy jealousy of a dangerously exclusive mother. The crisis between the two women could also have been precipitated after the teenager discovered Anita’s HIV status. “Not all leads have been explored“, according to the defense…

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