Marina Ferrari, the digital unknown

The digital sector will have to become familiar with a new face: Marina Ferrari. The deputy (MoDem) of 1D constituency of Savoie was appointed Secretary of State in charge of digital affairs in the government of Gabriel Attal. She replaces Jean-Noël Barrot who becomes Minister Delegate for Europe.

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“Digital transformation, regulation of social networks, access to very high speed for all, digital sovereignty: I will continue with determination and humility the projects undertaken by Jean-Noël Barrot, Cédric O and Mounir Mahjoubi”Emmanuel Macron’s three digital ministers since his 2017 election, reacted on X (ex-Twitter), the new Secretary of State.

Born October 10, 1973 in Aix-les-Bains (Savoie), graduate of the Institute of Advanced International Studies (IHEI) and holder of a postgraduate diploma in international relations and defense, Marina Ferrari discovered digital technology at Lunabee Studio , a French company specializing in the creation of mobile applications, as an administrative and commercial executive. She leaves office when she becomes an MP in June 2022.

Digital downgrading in the State Secretariat

Secretary of the Committee on Finance, General Economy and Budgetary Control, Marina Ferrari was not very active on digital subjects in the National Assembly and unknown to the small world of French Tech. Asked by The world, several players in the sector, elected officials, advisors, investors, say they do not know it. For many, his appointment is seen as a political decision, in favor of MoDem, the party of François Bayrou. His predecessor, Jean-Noël Barrot, was also elected from MoDem.

The various people interviewed also regret the demotion of digital technology in the State Secretariat and no longer in the delegated ministry, at a time when artificial intelligence (AI) promises to transform many parts of the economy. Marina Ferrari will notably have to support the implementation of the AI ​​Act, the draft European regulation on artificial intelligence. Although it validated the text on February 2, France has expressed numerous reservations about this European legislation, fearing, in particular, that it will slow down the development of start-ups in this area.

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Marina Ferrari will also have to find the means to reinvigorate a French Tech at the bottom of the wave. Digital start-ups only raised 8.32 billion euros in 2023, compared to 13.5 billion in 2022 and 11.6 billion in 2021. In telecoms, it will be necessary to monitor the end of the deployment of optical fiber, a project which is causing numerous tensions between Orange and other operators.

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