Marine Le Pen on her wish to abolish income tax for those under 30: “it’s not pistachio powder”

In the event of accession to the Élysée, the candidate of the National Rally Marine Le Pen wishes to abolish income tax for those under 30. “It’s not fairytale powder”, she assured Thursday evening on the set of the program “Elysée 2022: ask for the program” broadcast on CNEWS.

The expression “perlimpinpin powder” marked the confrontation between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron during a debate in the second round of the presidential election in 2017. The current head of state then said: “what you’re suggesting is pixie dust”. The theme then was the improvement of intelligence forces and border control to counter terrorism.

Keep young people in France

On the set of CNEWS, Marine Le Pen also expressed this Thursday her “wish that young people have their foot in the stirrup because when you start in life you have more costs”, she explained.

The far-right candidate added that she had planned 8 measures for young people in the event of accession to the Élysée, including free transport, including on the main lines, during off-peak hours.

Still concerning youth, she invited reflection on the cost of the “young people we have trained and who, in reality, by going abroad impoverish us”. “In human capital but also because they do not pay income tax, she justified. They must not leave,” she insisted.

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