Marine Le Pen on the French army: “in the event of a high-intensity conflict, we would have major flaws”

Marine Le Pen is sounding the alarm. Guest of the program “Elysée 2022: ask for the program” on CNEWS Thursday evening, the RN candidate for the presidential election estimated that the French army would have “significant flaws” if it had to face a high-level conflict in the near future. intensity.

“We have to buy ammunition, we have to train, we have to invest in equipment,” she advises. The candidate of the National Rally therefore wants an increase in the defense budget.

Remarks that echo those of Christian Cambon, chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armies Committee, who already warned on March 15 of the lack of ammunition available to the French soldiers in the event of a long-term conflict. duration.

A reflection before the budget increase

Based on this statement, Marine Le Pen stressed that France had “only three or four days of ammunition”.

She invites reflection on how to invest more money in French defence: “it must be done in such a way that our armaments industry can absorb it”.

For her, “there is no point in increasing this budget to sums that will be useless, because they will not allow the implementation of this reinforcement and there would be too much budget for absorption and delivery capacities. for our arms industry.

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