Marine Le Pen proposes a tax credit to counter inflation

Marine Le Pen proposed Monday evening to the State to “return half” of the surplus revenue collected by VAT due to inflation, in particular through a tax credit system, in an interview on 8 p.m. on TF1.

The more inflation there is, the more money the state makes, argued the president of the RN group in the National Assembly, pointing to an unacceptable situation where the State (enriches itself) by impoverishing taxpayers.

I consider that of the 30 billion (euros) in VAT surplus which were collected by the State this year and last year, the State must return part of it to the French, that is to say 8 and a half billionthat is to say what remains when it has fulfilled its budgetary obligations, has developed the one which now claims to be the natural presidential candidate of the RN.

Marine Le Pen’s entourage then explained to AFP that it could be a tax credit 500 euros for a family with two children or 250 euros for a couple of withdrawals.

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