Marine Lrouille talks about her trauma since the knife attack she suffered

This Monday, September 25, 2023, Marine Ltemporel spoke during an interview with our colleagues at RTL. The opportunity for the former Miss France to discuss her trauma since the knife attack she suffered.

A dark event that marks memory forever. In 2018, Marine Ltemporel was the victim of a knife attack when she was walking alongside her fiancé at the time, Christophe Malmezac, with whom she has since separated. One day in January 2018, a fan threw himself at the couple before inflicting several stab wounds on the companion of the former beauty queen. A violent and shocking attack during which the companion was seriously injured in the hand and about which Marine Ltemporel spoke out a few months later in order to send a message, hoping that her testimony could help other women.

This Monday, September 25, 2023, Marine Ltemporel gave an interview to our colleagues from RTL. The opportunity for the former beauty queen to once again evoke this dark episode which still marks her years later. Since the knife attack she suffered, Marine Ltemporel is experiencing a period of post-traumatic stress.

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Marine Ltemporel: “I have to do something”

At the microphone of RTLMarine Ltemporel spoke about this trauma which pursues her on a daily basis. “I realized that I always jump when someone approaches me in the street. I hear someone walking behind me, I jump, I look at him ten times. I have to do something.”she confided on the airwaves of RTL. According to her, it is essential to quickly treat these post-traumatic symptoms.

In all psychological trauma, treatment is essential. In post-traumatic stress, it is still well defined, well framed. We must quickly receive treatment, medications if necessary, to counter the mechanisms that are taking place in the head,” she continues. However, the one who was elected miss France in 2013 has not yet taken the time to consult a specialist to treat his post-traumatic stress which is polluting his life. As this testimony underlines, each outing into the street is an obstacle course for the young woman.

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It is all the more problematic since the return of Christophe Malmezac’s ex-fiancée to the French capital, where she must rebuild herself after her painful separation. Fortunately, she can count on the support of her sister Lou-Anne but also on the many landmarks she has in the City of Lights.

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…

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