Mario & Luigi: The brotherly epic arrives in the islands on November 7

Mario and Luigi got the ball rolling in this latest Nintendo Direct with The fraternal epic, their new adventure. From November 7, 2024, the two brothers will travel from island to island to find a way to return home. They will take the opportunity to help local populations thanks to their courage.

From the first seconds, the trailer sets the tone. Humor will be omnipresent in the title, and it is Luigi who will pay the price. However, we cannot sum up the game to that, since it presents many other aspects. Starting with its fights which are played turn-based. These will confront the two brothers with different wildlife creatures, but also members of the Extension Corps organization. Probably the same ones who teleported Him and Mario here.

Because yes, in Mario & Luigi: The Brotherly Epic, the heroes were forced into this adventure. Fortunately they were not separated during this trip, which gives them a big advantage. Whether in combat or when exploring, the two brothers can support each other. This translates into being able to jump higher by sending one of the brothers before catching up with the other, or even strengthening the power of a move by combining the two.

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