Mario Strikers: The origins of a Waluigi meme revealed

The Mario Strikers license is one of Nintendo’s most legendary. The Mario-style football game, that is to say much more epic, introduced a fairly offensive gameplay where to win, it is necessary to tackle and jostle your opponents. A way of playing that seems to be perfect for certain characters from the universe of our favorite plumber like Wario or… Waluigi. The celebration of the latter within the game has even become a real phenomenon, explained today!

A celebration turned meme

In the first two games (Mario Strikers Charged, 2007, and Super Mario Strikers, 2005), when Waluigi scores a goal, he performs a celebration which, by its originality, went around the internet.

The fact that this celebration was borderline correct caused a stir and later became emblematic of the character. Asked by GameXplainMike Inglehart, one of the creators of the game explained where this idea came from.

The inspiration came from the shape – even though it’s a ‘V’, we thought it was a representation of part of the ‘W’, so it’s kind of her way of connecting to her first initial. Waluigi, we kind of portrayed him as being a little, I don’t know, a little more nervous than Wario. Wario is not very bad, while Waluigi, we just wanted to find out a bit more. In fact, he’s also a little mean to his sidekicks. They are both mean to their sidekicks, but Wario becomes disgusted with himself, while Waluigi seeks to blame the others and trick them into thinking they’ve all done something wrong.

Again, the crotch shot, we didn’t expect it to pass, but you know, nobody batted an eyelid, so we didn’t talk about it because we wanted it to be there and it fell as expected. I’m not sure he’ll be in the third installment, but I’m really interested to see if he’s still around. I hope it’s still there.

You know, people don’t ask questions, you don’t talk about it. Once the discs are printed, it’s gone and that’s it.

Mike Inglehart


Mario Strikers back soon

It is important to remember that next summer, June 10 to be exact, will release Mario Strikers: Battle League. Fifteen years after the last opus of the license, it will be an explosive return for Nintendo because the community will undoubtedly be there!

On the program, explosive matches and a maximum ofHyper-Strikesthese powerful shots that trigger the mythical animations of the game. We do not yet know if the famous celebration of Waluigi will be present in the new opus of Mario Strikers but one thing is certain, the game will offer an online mode of course with a ranking and clubs. Epic matches are coming!


Find all the announcements made during the Nintendo Direct on February 9, 2022: 40 minutes flat for a large slew of trailers, including a new preview of Xenoblade Chornicles 3 in “one more thing” or the arrival of Wii Sports on the Switch.

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