Marion Cotillard: Cap on her head and raised fist … The actress mobilized during a demonstration

This April 9, on the eve of the presidential election, personalities were gathered during the major demonstration “for the future” between Place de la République and Bastille in Paris. The Oscar-winning and committed actress Marion Cotillard was notably seen during this major event created on the initiative of environmental, anti-racist, feminist and anti-precariousness organizations and collectives.

83 events were organized on Saturday in Paris, Strasbourg, Lyon, Toulouse, at the call of more than 300 associations, collectives, unions or local movements. In the capital, a host of stars have mobilized. Elsa Wolinski (daughter of Georges and Maryse Wolinski) and the director Cyril Dion (to whom we owe projects in favor of ecology such as tomorrow) have notably been seen with Marion Cotillard. With the latter, the actress had met Emmanuel Macron in 2019 to discuss the issue of ecology. It is with a green and gray cap and a sign “the future is written together” that the 46-year-old star displayed (see slideshow). The interpreter of La môme had already participated in a social movement in 2020, against the text of the “global security” law alongside his companion Guillaume Canet, JoeyStarr or even Alysson Paradis.

In Paris, 5,600 demonstrators marched between Place de la Bastille and Place de la République, according to the police, 35,000 according to the organizers. A hundred “yellow vests” had left at the head of the procession. “It’s a unique gathering“, had declared Lorette Philippot, spokesperson for Friends of the Earth. “If we are not allowed to talk about the candidates today, it is also an opportunity for talk about themes that were forgotten during the campaign“. Indeed, the law prohibits since midnight Friday evening any electoral propaganda. The ecological candidate Yannick Jadot paraded furtively behind a truck of his party, EELV. As for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, he “passed quickly and discreetly”, according to his entourage. These marches, unprecedented and unitary, would have gathered a total of 60,000 demonstrators according to the organizers.

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