Marion Maréchal: “Emmanuel Macron refuses the ideological fight”

Marion Maréchal, support of Eric Zemmour for the presidential election, was the guest of the Grand Rendez-Vous on CNEWS. She notably criticized Emmanuel Macron’s campaign.

“Emmanuel Macron refuses the ideological fight, according to her. We are faced with a centrist technocracy, which under cover of pragmatism does not allow us to identify a national vision. It thus escapes the debate.

Marine Le Pen’s niece also castigated the fact that the outgoing president spoke “on many occasions about consultation bodies. It is a very particular vision of politics. We no longer say “the debate, the consensus, it is at the time of the election”. We say “Elect me, it’s a formality, and then we’ll debate, we’ll consult the French”. It is the mark of a depoliticization of which he is the incarnation.

According to Marion Maréchal, this “confirms the idea [qu’Emmanuel Macron] may have acted himself that he would have a lack of legitimacy” if he were re-elected after a campaign like this.

The director of ISSEP indeed assures that the outgoing president “never puts himself in danger” in this presidential campaign, that he sets up “extremely controlled glamorous communication”

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