Marion Maréchal: “I have no problem saying that Vladimir Putin is at the origin of the war in Ukraine”

Guest of the morning of CNEWS this Thursday, Marion Maréchal, former FN deputy and support for Eric Zemmour for the presidential election, declared to have “no problem to say that Vladimir Putin was at the origin of the war in Ukraine” .

Marion Maréchal’s political opponents accuse her of having cultivated her ties with Russia in the past. She wanted to justify herself on the set of Laurence Ferrari: “I said that I would be interested in being able to have dinner with Vladimir Poutine in view of his experience of power, I did not say that I wanted to spend a vacation with him.”

She had thus been invited in 2019 to participate in a conference in front of students from the University of Saint Petersburg, as well as in the politico-economic conference of Yalta established by Moscow after the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014. .

“He is the one who caused this war”

The former regional councilor of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region clarified her position on the responsibility of the Russian president: “I have no problem saying that the person responsible for the violation of Ukrainian borders is Vladimir Putin, that he is the one who provoked this war”.

Even if she specifies that “in geopolitics, it is never all white or all black”, she maintains that “it is no longer the time for justification, it is the time for the solution and the response. It is in the will of President Emmanuel Macron through the sanctions”.

This annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula, following a referendum deemed illegal by the international community, had earned Russia heavy European and American sanctions.

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