Marion Maréchal officially joins Eric Zemmour

During the meeting of the candidate Reconquest! in Toulon (Var), the niece of Marine Le Pen formalized her rallying to Eric Zemmour.

The niece of Marine Le Pen, Marion Maréchal, formalized on Sunday her rallying to Eric Zemmour during the meeting of the candidate Reconquest! in Toulon, a new episode in the fratricidal war within the extreme right as the presidential election approaches. “I am sure that the political recomposition will happen, I believe victory is possible again”, launched the former FN deputy (now RN) from Vaucluse, 32 years old.

She castigated Emmanuel Macron, a “dividing president”, who “forced us to sort between vaccinated and unvaccinated” and “opens the way to the fight of races with this + woke + ideology”. Marion Maréchal praised France as “eldest daughter of the Church”.

Eric Zemmour’s entourage hopes to make this rally a “turning point” to relaunch his campaign, after a complicated sequence on the conflict in Ukraine and a drop in the polls. “The rallies, it participates in the story of a campaign, but it hardly moves the voices”, estimates for his part the pollster Frédéric Dabi, of Ifop.

She does not join Reconquest!

The former MP had retired from political life after the defeat of Marine Le Pen in the 2017 presidential election to found a private “school” of political science in Lyon. With the aim of waging a fight that is more “cultural and metapolitical” than electoral or partisan. More conservative than Marine Le Pen on societal issues and more liberal in economics, Marion Maréchal told Le Figaro in January “leaning towards Éric Zemmour” despite “a family subject” with his aunt.

The granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen had also expressed his desire to return to political life, visibly aiming for the legislative elections, perhaps again in the Vaucluse. Marion Maréchal, who wishes to keep her autonomy, joins Eric Zemmour, but does not join his party, Reconquête!.

Four RN MEPs, including a leading member of the party, Nicolas Bay, as well as the only senator in the National Rally, Stéphane Ravier, have joined Mr. Zemmour’s campaign in recent weeks.

MM. Bay and Ravier are also both ideologically close to Ms. Maréchal. On Saturday, Marine Le Pen joked about the rallying of her niece, a “lifeline” of Eric Zemmour’s campaign which is “collapsed”. The RN candidate is given in the second round according to the latest polls, several points ahead of her rival.

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