Market: Dutch inflation jumps 17.1% in September with energy prices

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – Inflation in the Netherlands jumped in September to its highest level in decades due to rising energy prices, CBS, the national statistics institute, said on Friday. .

The index of prices harmonized according to European standards HICP, which allows comparisons with other countries in the euro zone, climbed 17.1% this month, after a jump of 13.7% in August.

Year on year, energy prices in the eurozone’s fifth largest economy rose by 114% and food prices by 10.5%.

According to the institute, retail sales prices rose 2% in August, while sales volume fell 6% as consumer confidence hit an all-time low.

This month, the Dutch government said it would spend around €18 billion next year to help people pay their bills. It also capped gas and electricity prices.

(Report by Bart Meijer; French version Dina Kartit, edited by Kate Entringer)

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