Markus Lanz and Richard David Precht: The 100th episode of the “Lanz & Precht” podcast is coming up

Markus Lanz and Richard David Precht
The 100th episode of the “Lanz & Precht” podcast is coming up

Richard David Precht (left) and Markus Lanz have been podcasting together since 2021.

© ZDF/Christian Bruch

The “Lanz & Precht” podcast is celebrating its 100th edition. The publication date and the topics discussed have now been set.

moderator Markus Lanz (54) and writer Richard David Precht (58) started their podcast “Lanz & Precht” on September 3, 2021. The 100th edition of the format will be published on Friday, August 4, 2023. The episode can be seen as a video podcast on “” as well as the associated app and the YouTube channel. The audio version can be accessed on all common podcast platforms.

Fear of the future as a podcast topic

The talk show host and the philosopher speak in the ZDF podcast format according to the official description “about the socially and politically relevant topics of the week and time”. It is an exchange between two people “who are personally attached to each other, but do not always have the same opinion”. A podcast is not the continuation of television by other means, Precht explained at the start. “It’s wonderful, while formulating a thought, not having to think about anything but your own words.” In the podcast, the two could “deepen things out, reflect and reevaluate them a few days later,” added Lanz. “In a positive sense, a podcast is very reduced, focused and limited to the essentials: the voice.”

In the 100th edition, Markus Lanz and Richard David Precht will talk about the lack of new utopias for society as a whole and about people’s fears of the future. They also tell what value the podcast has for both of them.

The two podcast partners can still be seen on TV. “Markus Lanz” returns from the summer break on Tuesday, August 22 (10:45 p.m.). According to ZDF, the next edition of “Precht” will be broadcast on Sunday, September 17 (11:45 p.m.).


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