Marriage of Joakim Noah and Lais Ribeiro in Brazil: their cute little bridesmaids

Yannick Noah had sold the wick, a few weeks before the big day, surely too eager to see his eldest take on a new role: that of a married man. As revealed by the singer and former tennis champion, his son Joakim Noah married well during the first half of July in Brazil. A most romantic wedding immortalized in photos.

On the new images we have, taken at the heart of the ceremony which took place on July 13 on the beach of Trancoso, it is possible to discover a little more about the big day. Joakim Noah (37 years old) and his wife Lais Ribeiro (31 years old) were surrounded by their families and loved ones for this wedding which was somewhat overdue. Indeed, the former NBA star and the Brazilian model had been engaged since September 2019. It will therefore have taken them almost three years to take the plunge, no doubt due to the global pandemic which must have somewhat upset their plans.

While Joakim Noah was accompanied by his two parents, Yannick Noah therefore and his mother Cécilia Rodhe who was at his side to move towards the altar, Lais Ribeiro had his dad José Ribeiro de Oliveira Filho at his side. The Brazilian model was simply sublime in her long white dress made of lace and with bare shoulders. Her long loose hair brought a touch of naturalness, totally fitting with the atmosphere wanted by the bride and groom who said yes barefoot, in the sand.

This marriage of reasonable size was punctuated by the presence of several children. Those of Joakim Noah of course, but also others of the family. Two adorable little girls whose identity has not been revealed have been chosen to play the bridesmaids. In their little white dresses, their heads decorated with wreaths of flowers, they placed flower petals in their little baskets. What perfectly prepare the ground before the arrival of the bride and groom.

In addition to this magical ceremony on the beach, Joakim Noah and Lais Ribeiro went to church. The young spouses revealed images of it on their Instagram pages.

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