“Married at first sight”: Laura, stroke victim, gives her news and talks about her complicated daily life: Current Woman Le MAG

One of the most athletic candidates of season 7 of Married at first sight, Laura, is a real soldier. Admittedly, she is very diligent with regard to her sports sessions and her abs can attest to this. However, she must also fight against stroke attacks, the last of which dates from May 2023. On her account instagramin one of her featured stories, she tried to “retrace at best” the strokes she has suffered since her first crisis, Tuesday August 9, 2022. Despite this terrible constraint, the beautiful brunette who was looking for love in season 7 of Married at first sight resumed his daily routine. However, on Thursday July 6, 2023, Laura posted on his Instagram account videos of his hospitalization that she had revealed in a letter to her suitor Anthony on Monday, May 15, 2023 in the program broadcast on M6. Friday, July 7, 2023, through a question-and-answer game with its 32,000 subscribers on Instagram, she confided in her daily life. In particular, she said: “Honestly, it could be better if I was no longer on treatment and if the cause of my illness was found. And if I could reassure myself about it, it would be better”.

Repeated emergency room visits

It is true that Laura’s daily life is not easy. In the letter addressed to her future husband Anthony on Monday, May 15, 2023, she confided that she was the victim of evils that were quite difficult to assume, in particular “a semi-clogged artery, [son] brain is in pain because it is poorly irrigated”. On her wedding day on the show Married at first sightshe announced to Anthony: I’m plugged in everywhere, I’m not allowed to raise my head to eat or get up to go to the toilet, because I run the risk of clogging my artery and having after-effects”. An announcement that had amazed his suitor. Friday July 7, 2023, in an ephemeral story, the sportswoman had confessed to feeling “a fear” each day. More specific after a follower’s question, she said: “I always have migraines with aura and that’s the problem”before adding: “Each time it’s anxiety, even if the neurologist warned me: he told me that I was already having migraines with aura before, and that suddenly I will continue to do so”. In order not to have to face a bad surprise with regard to her health, the candidate for season 7 of the program indicated that she regularly went to the emergency room when she had migraines, as a precaution for her well-being. .

>>> Click here to view Laura’s post on Instagram

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