Marseille in turn plans to regulate rents


And six? After Paris, Lille, Lyon, Bordeaux and Montpellier, will Marseille be the sixth major city to regulate rents? Whatever happens, the Marseille city is in any case a candidate. The metropolis, which remainsunfavorableto this device made possible since the end of 2018 on an experimental basis, announced that it would not oppose the request made by the town hall. “The president of the metropolis respects the commitment made to the mayor of Marseille not to obstruct the will expressed by the City“says Martine Vassal.

However, for a file to be submitted to the government, it must be validated by the metropolis. This is why Marseille was not part of the grouped shot made up of Lyon, Bordeaux and Montpellier, validated by the former Minister of Housing Emmanuelle Wargon, a little over a year ago. Although having given the green light, the metropolis wanted to ensure that the rent control could only apply to Marseille, and not to the whole metropolis. What the Ministry of Housing replied in the affirmative. However, this is what had caused the device to be canceled in Paris and Lille in 2018.

+1.5% of rents per year

From now on, the file is in the hands of Olivier Klein, successor to Emmanuelle Wargon. Contacted by Le Figarothe minister’s entourage confirms that “Marseille applied” to regulate rents and grants a “principle opening of the state“. But the minister wants to be cautious and stresses that the device is “very legally framed“. “If a rent control is finally canceled by the judge, it is the State which must reimburse all the injured owners“, recalls the entourage of Olivier Klein.

To justify his request, the mayor of Marseille points to a “strong tension in the rental market“, a “housing production down sharply in recent years” and an “capacity of households to rent accommodation which remains low“. “Market regulation is a social imperative“, argues Benoît Payan. Defenders of the device also want to curb the surge in rents. According to the Clameur Observatory, which refers, these have risen by 6%, all surfaces combined, but in 4 years, or 1.5% per year. The balance sheet is more mixed for small surfaces whose rents usually soar. Admittedly, they have risen sharply (+9% in 4 years) for studios but have only increased “by” 3.5% since 2018 for 2-room apartments.

” READ ALSO – These cities where rents have skyrocketed the most because of inflation

In addition to Marseille, the Ministry of Housing claims to have received five other files: Annemasse (74), the Basque Country, Cergy (95) as well as Grenoble (38) and Grand Orly Seine Bièvre who are trying their luck again. “The deadline for submitting applications being next Thursday, it is not impossible that other applications will arrive in a few days.“, specifies the entourage of Olivier Klein.


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