Martinez promises mobilizations against pension reform

Philippe Martinez was the guest on Sunday of the “LCI-RTL-Le Figaro Grand Jury”. Nicolas Kovarik/Agence 1827/RTL

FOCUS – The number one of the CGT, guest of the “Grand Jury LCI-RTL-Le Figaro”, also wants to index wages to inflation.

Guest of the “LCI-RTL-Le Figaro Grand Jury”, Philippe Martinez reiterated, unsurprisingly, his opposition to the pension bill that the government promises for January 2023. “Neither the retirement age nor the length of the contribution years should be increased. All trade unions agree on this point.“, advanced the leader of the CGT, regretting not to be listened to despite this unanimity. And this, while the Senate, dominated by the right, voted on Saturday for a pension reform providing for raising the legal age to 64, against the advice of the government, which favors consultation with a view to its own reform in early 2023 .

On the subject of the employment of seniors, on which the first round of consultation between the executive and the social partners relates, the trade unionist declares himself skeptical. “In big companies, as soon as you approach 57 or 58, you are asked to leave. We, what we say, is “keep seniors working until they are 60”, this will reduce the employability problems of seniors. But on that, we have no answer.he continues. “Emmanuel Macron has not changed at all”he summarizes, promising once again vigorous mobilizations for the coming weeks. “We will see together, with the other unions, the forms of action”he warns.

Employee motivation

Asked about the merits of the latest strikes, in particular that of the RATP last Thursday, which penalizes many French people, the CGT operator assumes: he assures that “mobilization days are used to support all those who are on strike and are not talked about”, he assures. Without mobilization, employees would not have obtained salary increases, believes the trade unionist, who wants to index wages to inflation. A claim shared by Nupes, which does not however encourage Philippe Martinez to seek a common front. “Jean-Luc Mélenchon is sometimes outrageous, even sectarian”he judges.

Faced with the phenomenon of great resignation, which crosses Western societies, the number one of the CGT has finally recognized that“there is a general problem of the meaning of work, of employee motivation”. And to cite the example of a nurse who left her profession after twenty-seven years of employment, explaining: “I can’t take it anymore, they make me do anything“.

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