Martini launches ad campaign created by artificial intelligence


Samir Rahmoun

January 13, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.


Artificial intelligence

© geralt/Pixabay

Artificial intelligence continues to extend its grip on human activities. It invites itself today in the world of communication.

An AI was used by the Martini brand to produce several visuals for a new communication campaign. Nine images have thus been created.

AI, this unaware artist

Could artificial intelligence be the artist of the 21st century?e century ? Even if this kind of question can tend to make some people jump, it has become quite clear in recent weeks that its field of expression could extend to art.

Thus, beyond the ability of a ChatGPT to solve complex problems in seconds, justifying Microsoft’s potential investment of 10 billion dollars in the OpenAI company, we were able to observe another AI in action: Midjourney. The latter has indeed been used to create a complete manga which will be released next March.

And it is still Midjourney that we find today in a slightly different field: communication. Martini, the famous brand of vermouth, has just built an advertising campaign using AI capabilities.

martini AI artificial intelligence © © Martini

© Martini

Martini wanted to create a unique interpretation »

A total of 9 visuals were produced by artificial intelligence to illustrate the campaign entitled ” Unbottling Martini “. In order to create a ” single interpretation » for each image, the ingredients of the different drinks have been entered in the Midjourney interface.

With this new suite of digital images, we’re looking to the future by using brand new technology to open up the world of Martini, showing consumers what’s going on in every bottle. explained global director of creative development Avril Nunez.

This use is certainly interesting, but it raises several questions. Doesn’t the use of the Midjourney platform for commercial purposes give financial rights to its developers? And what about those whose images were used to power the AI? If the experiment proved conclusive, wouldn’t the advertising professions be threatened?

Source : Drinks Retailing


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