Marvel Quiz: Which MCU Movie Does This Latest Plan Come From?

Think you know the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies like the back of your hand? You will therefore have no difficulty in recognizing these last plans.

Soon the milestone of thirties for the Marvel Cinematic Universe! To date, the saga headed by Kevin Feige has offered us twenty-nine feature films in dark rooms, including Thor – Love and Thunder, his latest opus, released on August 13 in France.

While Black Panther – Wakanda Forever must complete its year 2022 at the cinema (at the same time as its Phase IV), it’s time to play a little game: will you be able to recognize the films from which these last shots come? With a few clarifications, namely that these are only feature films belonging to the MCU (so no X-Men, nor Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man, even if they have a link with those worn by Tom Holland ).

And that we are indeed talking about the last image before the start of the credits, and in no case about the hidden bonuses during or after the credits. Will you achieve a super clear round?

Launched in 2008 with the first Iron Man, which succeeded The Incredible Hulk a few months later, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a real crazy gamble: that of creating, on the big screen, a world that works in the same way as comic books. . With stories that are both independent and connected to each other, where a character can go for a ride in another story.

Back then, superheroes weren’t the box office kings they are today. And the public acclaimed DC more (thanks to Christopher Nolan’s Batman in particular) than Marvel. But the trend has reversed and Kevin Feige has won his bet, the changeover having taken place in 2012, when Avengers brought in more than The Dark Knight Rises.

And it was even an MCU opus, Avengers Endgame, which became the biggest hit of all time for a little while, before Avatar took advantage of a re-release to take back its throne. Until Secret Wars lands? Verdict in 2026.

Next appointment with the Marvel Cinematic Universe: “Black Panther – Wakanda Forever”, November 9

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