Marvel: Samuel L. Jackson Isn’t the Only Nick Fury…and You Probably Don’t Know This Movie

The world of cinema is full of films that have gone unnoticed. And among them, a certain forgotten adaptation, centered on a famous MCU character: Nick Fury…

And no, it’s not just Samuel L. Jackson who played the mythical Nick Fury, there’s also… David Hasselhoff! Indeed, the famous actor of K 2000 and Baywatch also played the role in 1998 in a forgotten feature film: Nick Fury: Agent of Shield, directed by Rod Hardy.

A rather logical casting choice since Hasselhoff bears a rather striking resemblance to the first version of the leader of SHIELD from the comics that appeared in 1963 and even delivers a deliciously captivating performance with his cigar, eye patch and sarcastic jokes. Unfortunately, the film does not rank among the best… far from it.


Nick Fury, the former boss of SHIELD, retired after the end of the Cold War, and lives quiet days in the Yukon. When the HYDRA organization threatens the security of the entire planet, the US government asks him to return to duty. Indeed, led by siblings Andrea and Werner von Strucker, the evil organization has stolen the frozen body of Baron von Strucker in whose blood lurks a deadly virus waiting to be unleashed on Manhattan. Alongside Contessa Valentina de Allegro Fontaine and her team, Nick Fury then embarks on a merciless fight against HYDRA…

This at least foreshadowed action… well no! Although the film is full of Marvel references and well-known characters from the comics, the plot ended up not being very exciting while the action is rather meager. Opposite David Hasselhoff, there is however Sandra Hess (Mortal Kombat, final destruction) who has a lot of fun in the role of the villainous Nazi Andrea Von Strucker (and later as the supervillain Viper) but that is not enough to save the entertaining but laughable film.

10 Movies Marvel Would Rather Forget

Back in the 1990s, Nick Fury: Agent of Shield was supposed to be the prelude to something bigger that never saw the light of day. Despite a large budget and a screenplay by David S. Goyer, who distinguished himself on Christopher Nolan’s Batman saga, including the highly acclaimed The Dark Knight, that of Blade or even on the Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: L Zack Snyder’s Dawn of Justice feature is one that Marvel won’t be promoting anytime soon!

But if you’re a fan of Nick Fury’s character, ndo not hesitate to try the experiment. Otherwise, you can find it as Samuel L. Jackson in the Marvel miniseries, Secret Invasion, which will chronicle the adventures of Fury and Talos as they attempt to stop the Skrulls who have infiltrated every aspect of life on Earth. Scheduled on Disney +, the show, which does not yet have a release date, will however mark the debut of Emilia Clarke and Olivia Coleman in the MCU.

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Marvel: a crazy cast for the Secret Invasion series with Samuel L. Jackson!

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