Marvel Snap: A new mode is coming very soon, great news for players

Since its release on October 18 on iOS, Android and PC, the Marvel mobile game has won over fans around the world. With fast but intense games, Marvel Snap perfectly combines fun and strategy. But while the production of Second Dinner has only just been released, many are already impatient to discover the tournaments and friendly matches announced in the game’s roadmap. If you’re one of those who can’t wait to annihilate your friends, don’t worry. This long-awaited feature could well land much faster than you think…

PvP with friends? Coming soon !

Until then, Marvel Snap obviously offers clashes between players from all over the world, but these are just random users. It is impossible for people with the mobile game to challenge their friends to a duel, face-to-face and above all… private. A “problem” pointed out by many users who are now only in a hurry: that the match vs friend mode promised by the developers of the mobile game quickly points the tip of its nose. Guess what, the latter heard the desperate call of the players.

In an interview for the washington posta representative of Second Dinner announces that the studios are well aware of the impatience of the community and that is why the match vs friend will be available to all players via an update “during this calendar year”. You will have understood, it is to come this month or in December.

A battle mode different from the ranked ones

In the roadmap previously unveiled by the developers of Marvel Snap, we learn various elements about this particular mode, which will differ slightly from ranked. In the latter, each player will start with 10 life points and the winner will take away from the loser as many VP as cubes bet. The adversaries play series of duels until exhaustion of the PV on one side or the other. This system allows in particular to keep the mechanics of the Snap in the context of competitions and tournaments.

The representative of Second Dinner admits to the Washington Post that this modification of the mechanism can have a double objective: if players could trade rank points with their friends repeatedly, they could artificially increase their rank. The snap against health/HP eliminates the risk of fraudulent progression.

“We think Battle mode is the best way to play against friends or organize community tournaments, as it designates a clear winner while integrating the mechanics of the snap.
We can’t wait to see the community play in battle mode!”

Second Dinner Representative


As you will have understood, there are very, very heavy things to come on Marvel Snap and we will of course be there to guide you on this new mode which promises to be totally explosive!

For two days, the new place “Machineworld” will be more present on Marvel Snap. It’s time to play decks that will abuse this position, to advance in ranked and take your opponents by surprise.

Want to upgrade to the sacrosanct “Infinite” rank but you only have cards from pools 1 and 2? Don’t panic, there are budget decks on Marvel Snap that require little investment, but which compete with the big archetypes in the top ladder.

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