Marvel Snap: the new maps and new locations of the Savage Land season

Marvel Snap’s Savage Land season kicks off on January 3, 2023! New maps, new locations, new season pass and new strategies: here is all the information you need to know before setting out again to conquer the ranks of the card game.

On January 3, 2023, it’s back to school in France, but above all the launch of the new season of Marvel Snap. The Silver Surfer gives way to the Wild Land season, in which the beasts and their masters and mistresses will be honored. Players lose three ranks in the standings, as is customary with each new season.

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The Wild Land Season Pass

The star card of the Season Pass is Zabu, 3 energy and 2 power, which reduces the cost of 4 energy cards by 2 energy. In concrete terms, this means that with a Zabu placed on turn 3, you can play two cost 4 cards on turn 4. The synergies with the “zoo” compositions and in particular with the famous Kazar card, will be fun to find.

Zabu in Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap
Zabu in Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap

The new cards in Marvel Snap

Alongside this card available for €11.90 and by completing 50 levels of the season pass, several other cards are appearing in the game, included in the rotations of the highest collection levels.

  • Sauron : revealed card that cancels the continuous effects of the hand and the deck.
Sauron in Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap
Sauron in Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap
  • Shanna : Revealed card that adds a 1 cost card to the other slots.
Shanna in Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap
Shanna in Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap
  • Dazzler : continuous card which will be part of the “zoo” strategies, with power +6 if the locations have 4 cards.
Dazzler in Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap
Dazzler in Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap
  • Shadow King : Revealed card that resets the power of the cards in the location, removing the penalties, but also the bonuses.
Shadow King in Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap
Shadow King in Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap

5 new locations are appearing in Marvel Snap

The new locations of Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap
The new locations of Marvel Snap // Source: Marvel Snap

The rickety bridge is an unstable location where cards are in danger. If more than one card is on the loose deck at the end of a turn, they are all destroyed. Be careful not to clutter this fragile place too much.

The Altar of Death is a sacrificial slot that will allow you to gain energy on the next turn. If you play a card on the altar of death, it will be immediately destroyed, but you will gain 2 energy points. Use this location sparingly to maximize your profit.

The Mountains of Eternity are a painful location whose effect is activated after turn 3. The player who loses on the location will take a useless Pebble card from his deck.

Plunder Castle is a space reserved exclusively for cards of cost 6. What to maximize the strategies allowing to finish on a last overpowered turn which gives points to the other spaces.

The collapsed mine is a slot filled with Caillou cards. If you pass, you can destroy all the Rock cards in the collapsed mine and play on them. A strategy to mount with Solar or at the very beginning of the game.

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Source: Marvel

In its press release, SecondDinner also mentions the cosmetics of the season (avatars, alternative cards, etc.) and the upcoming arrival of a duel mode.

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