Marvel Snap: three good reasons to try the superhero card game

The mobile card battle application is taking many players with it. Here’s what we particularly liked about[em}Marvel Snap[/em].

Source: Marvel

For 10 days, a word has been coming back more and more to the mouths of mobile game enthusiasts: marvel snap. If you have no idea what this is about, you’ve come to the right place. After a short week spent on the game on an editorial smartphone, here are three good reasons to try it.

Marvel’s Discovery

So this is going to sound crazy to you, but if you’re playing marvel snap, you better be a fan of the Marvel universe. Yes yes, we learn every day by reading Frandroid.

More seriously, as a vague connoisseur of licenses, I didn’t feel like I was more lost than that. A good third of the cast is vaguely saying something, another third is perfectly identified and the last third is unknown to me. Much will depend on your knowledge of the universe of course, but so you can use marvel snap as a way to discover a little more about the different heroes and villains.

The very comic art direction helps a lot to get into the mood and many characters have unique animations. Cyclops for example sends lasers in the direction of the opponent, Hulk pulverizes the ground by landing, etc.

An ultra-fast-to-launch deck game with dynamic gameplay

The great quality of the game lies in its gameplay. Indeed, deck games are often games with the reputation of perfect pastimes which can be launched several short games repeatedly. But few are able to achieve such a rapid pace as marvel snap. Indeed, the game is structured around games in six rounds per player. At the end of the six rounds, it is determined who has won the game and finished. It helps to chain games together in a bit of a frantic way and gives a nice refreshing feeling of being able to spend another five minutes there without lingering if you have to move on, get off the bus, etc.

Above this very fast pace, we discover a system of rewards combining the gain of new cards and the aesthetic improvement of the cards. We start by putting a frame a little prettier, then we can get a 3D animation or even change the style. The animations of the reward phases stick well to the very fast pace of the game.

Each game of cards is unique thanks to the terrain

The other originality of Marvel Snap is based on the presence of land. To win, you place your cards in three zones of four cards maximum in order to gain the upper hand over the opponent in at least two out of three zones. Strategically, this is very interesting, since we can try to anticipate the area that we think the opponent will covet or give the impression that we want to seize it to better take it. the.

In addition to this principle, each zone reveals a terrain with special abilities. The first to do so is always located on the left, then it is the one in the middle in the second round, then the one on the right in the third round. This can make each game truly unique and completely turn the tide, as some land powers alter the game. For example, I have often seen a central terrain that pushes all the cards in the middle to the sides on a given turn. Enough to relaunch a well-started battle.

Where to find marvel snap?

Marvel Snap is available on the Play Store, on iOS and on Steam. This is a free game.

Source: Marvel

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