Marvel Snap: Win a free pixel variant for Ironheart with this event!

In Marvel Snap, Daily Quests and Battle Pass related missions are always highlighted. It is not the same for the events which, even when they are tempting, are not very visible from the main menu of the TCG.

Until November 28you can for example participate in the event of the Vibranium Forge. The event tab is pretty well hidden, but it will allow you to unlock a pixel variant map for free for iron heart.

How to participate in the event?

The event tab is very discreet, but you can access it from the game’s main menu.

  • Click on the “News” tab, at the bottom right of the main menu bar.
  • Click on the “News” tab at the top center
  • Scroll down, and you’ll see the Vibranium Forge event page.

How to forge items?

To win the Ironheart pixel variant card, you will have to forge a total of 4 Vibranium items.

  • Each game of Marvel Snap played grants you 1 unit of Vibranium.
  • You need 40 units of Vibranium to forge a specific item, and 20 units to forge a random item.
  • You can amass up to 200 units of Vibranium each day.
  • If you use Black Panther, Okoye, Nakia or Ironheart in your Deck, you will gain 2 units of Vibranium per match.

As a reminder, you have until November 28 to forge the 4 items. It is always interesting to collect variant “skins” of cards, because it slightly increases your gain of Levels of collection (indeed, the first improvement of a card, variant or not, is twice as economical in terms of boosters) .

Entry into pool 3 is tougher than expected? Don’t panic, the good old Zoo decks are still available to help you win at a lower cost. Here is a selection of the best compositions that revolve around Kazar and small cards obtained easily.

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