Marvel: this actor hid his role in Thor 4 from everyone, even his parents

Of all the cameos in “Thor – Love and Thunder”, the one in the first post-credits scene might be the one you least expected. And that’s normal: the main interested party had even hidden it from his parents.

WARNING – The article below contains spoilers insofar as it discusses the content of the first post-credits scene of “Thor – Love and Thunder”. Please move on if you haven’t seen it yet.

This is called a divine post-credits scene! Left for dead earlier in the tale of Love and Thunder, after being pierced by his lightning-shaped weapon, Zeus (Russell Crowe) is finally alive. But in bad shape and angry. As he is being tended to, he speaks to an off-camera person, and regrets that humans worship superheroes more than gods these days. Then he promises hell to Thor, and entrusts this mission to his son, Hercules.

The mysterious interlocutor then shows up, and he has the features of Brett Goldstein, a major revelation in the Ted Lasso series. Unlike that of Charlize Theron in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which had been the subject of some rumours, the presence of the English actor did not fail to surprise many people. Starting with his parents, from whom he had hidden the information until they discovered his cameo in theaters.

“I had not told anyone, not even my family”says Brett Goldstein to Entertainment Weeklyafter clarifying that he was very surprised to be contacted by Marvel for the role. “They insert a chip in you that could explode if I talked about it. It was terrifying. I texted [à mes parents] saying ‘I just saw Thor! It’s really good ! You should like it. You should go see him.'”


Brett Goldstein in “Ted Lasso”

“So they went, and my mom kept texting me during the movie. I always told her, ‘Don’t text the damn thing during the movie!’ But she was like, ‘That’s funny!’, and I was like, ‘Stop texting me and watch that fucking movie!'” Especially since she almost missed the appearance of her son on the screen.

“When we get to the end, ten seconds before I go on stage, she says ‘Russell Crowe is back, he’s funny!’ And I said, ‘Look at that damn screen!’ I was worried that if she missed me, she would come out and say, ‘I liked the movie. I don’t understand why you sent us to see him.'” No doubt she will be more attentive if her son returns in the next adventure of Thor… which is not yet acquired.

Asked about it, Brett Goldstein says he doesn’t know when Hercules will be back in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Unless it’s again a secret, which wouldn’t be his only concern right now: “My father keeps calling himself Zeus, that’s really a problem.”

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