Marvel: Thor teams up with the Guardians of the Galaxy in new rock images from Love and Thunder

Thor in battle with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Valkyrie alongside Jane Foster then facing the fearsome Gorr. A TV spot containing unseen images of “Love and Thunder”, the next Marvel, has been unveiled.

The Walt Disney Company France

In just over a month, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) will be back in French theaters. Three years after the end of Avengers Endgame, which had seen him leave alongside them, the son of Odin will team up well with the Guardians of the Galaxy in his fourth solo adventure, entitled Love and Thunder, as this reminds us. TV spot.

Images that reveal that the heroes have a different view of the word “holidays”, in a sequence that should logically be at the beginning of the story. Before Thor embarks on a quest for identity and meets his former love Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), who has become Mighty Thor. Or the terrifying Gorr (Christian Bale), known as the godslayer, and who we see fighting Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson).

Does a disastrous fate await the one we also see getting closer to Jane? Or is it a red herring (or even a dream)? Unless there is a leak, we will probably not be fixed before July 13th. But these new images confirm that colors will be mostly absent from scenes involving Gorr, as if to underscore just how much death accompanies him.

But we notice bursts of color during his fight against Valkyrie, and that Taika Waititi (back behind the camera after the success of Ragnarok) will perhaps use this aspect to show the evolution of the balance of power during his face to face. The director also resumes his role as Korg in an adventure that will be greatly inspired by comic books published since 2014, and in which Jane inherits Thor’s powers and proves herself worthy of manipulating Mjölinir. Handover in sight in the saga?

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