Marvel: why Doctor Strange 2 will not be released in Saudi Arabia?

Expected from May 4 in theaters worldwide, “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” will not pass through Saudi Arabia. The Marvel movie is indeed banned on site because of one of its new characters.

With Multiverse of Madness, his second solo film, Doctor Strange should travel to several parallel worlds and universes. But it will not go through Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries, in which the Marvel film signed Sam Raimi is banned.

And the reason for this ban is called America Chavez. As in the comic books, the character embodied by Xochitl Gomez, who will take his first steps in the film, would be gay. Disney having refused the cuts requested by the local distributor, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness did not receive an operating permit. Like The Eternals or West Side Story before him.

The feature film worn by Benedict Cumberbatch will therefore be invisible in theaters in the Middle East, except in the United Arab Emirates, where censorship has recently become less restrictive. Its release on site is also scheduled for Friday, May 6, two days after France, which will be able to discover it from the 4th. In a little over a week now.

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