Mathilde Seigner: “I loved you so much”, the actress pays a moving tribute to her dead father

In August 2020 disappeared Jean-Louis Seigner, who died at the age of 79 after a lightning stroke in his house in Normandy, reported at the time the magazine Paris here. Since then, his daughters have not failed to salute his memory. Mathilde Seignernot very present on social networks, had done it last year and did it again this year.

Thursday August 4, 2022, on her Instagram account, Mathilde Seigner (54) therefore posted an archive photo of her father and, in the caption, she once again paid him a vibrant tribute: “My darling little daddy, it was on this night of August 4th to 5th that you left us, we miss you so much. The same night as Marylin Monroe [dont on vient de célébrer les 60 ans de sa disparition, ndlr]. I post little but the sky is for you tonight. I loved you so much. My sisters and mom, dad…” A nice message from the actress of the films Camping and A visit to my daughterwho can, however, count on the comforting shoulder of her lover Mathieu to cope with mourning.

In the comments of her touching publication, Mathilde Seigner received dozens of words of support from her many fans, but we also saw a message written by her sister, singer Marie-Amélie Seigner (49). “An extraordinary DAD we have a wonderful star that protects us“, she wrote on her side. On the other hand, their sister Emmanuelle Seigner (56 years old) remained silent.

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