Matt Pokora: “I burst out laughing while reading the play”

For his first theatrical experience, the singer gives the reply to Estelle Lefébure and Philippe Lellouche in the play Les Grandes Ambitions, by Hadrien Raccah, broadcast live on M6, Monday March 7 at 9:10 p.m.

How did Philippe Lellouche convince you to get on stage for the first time?

Matt Pokora : We have known each other for a very long time. He had already told me that he would take me to the theater. He sent me the text. On the seventh page, I sent her a selfie with my head exploding with laughter. I wanted to try my hand at this very demanding exercise, to be as close as possible to the reaction of the public, to be on this tension which obliges us to be good right away because there is no possible second take…

Did you feel any excitement or fear as you approached the premieres?

It was very exciting. I saw it as a challenge. And then, I did not throw myself into the void. I went there with Philippe, who has already had many successes on stage, who knows the theater very well. I consider him my mentor. And with Is she (Lefebure, editor’s note), with whom I also felt confident. In what I aspire to become, it was an important step.

Who is Yvan, the character you play?

He’s Fred’s best friend, played by Philippe. They are children in adult bodies. Their ambition is to relaunch a karaoke together. Charlotte (Estelle Lefébure), Fred’s wife, seems to have other ambitions for her husband. I love this piece so much, which makes us go through a lot of emotions. Philippe let me develop my character. The talent of a director is to know how to balance between directing an actor and listening to the proposals that can be made to him in terms of acting. His benevolence allowed me to express my potential.

You are here the opposite of Mr. Pokora, the concert pro, no ?

I have a label of showman, singer, dancer… There, I proposed something very far from the image that I send back. The public had to forget who I am and only see Yvan. I found her tics, a particular gesture, a little borrowed. He is not comfortable in his own skin.

What will you remember from this experience?

The pleasure I took and the one we gave. That’s why I love this job. And then I learned a lot. Dressing up the silences while Philippe and Estelle talk, managing the rhythm with the audience’s laughter… It’s a work in perpetual construction.

Fred and Yvan’s passion is karaoke. And you, what is your shameful passion?

As long as I’m having fun, there’s no shame. But maybe I should ease off on the console (of video games, editor’s note), now that I’m a dad.


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