Matthew McConaughey: After killing spree in his hometown he has “no words”

Matthew McConaughey
After killing spree in his hometown he has “no words”

Matthew McConaughey is from Uvalde, Texas.

© Billy Bennight/AdMedia/ImageCollect

Matthew McConaughey has “no words” after shooting in his Texas hometown of Uvalde. Other stars are also dismayed.

On Tuesday, an 18-year-old killed several people in a school shooting in Texas. 19 children and two adults died. The gunman kept shooting at Robb Primary School in the town of Uvalde. Matthew McConaughey (52), who is from the city, pressed in a long statement on Twitter his dismay. “Once again we have tragically demonstrated our inability to take responsibility for the rights that our freedom affords us,” he wrote.

McConaughey called on Americans to act. “We cannot breathe again, apologize and accept these tragic realities as the status quo,” he said. “As Americans, Texans, moms and dads, it’s time to reevaluate and renegotiate our wants and needs. We need to realign our values ​​and find common ground in this devastating American reality that is tragically becoming the problem of our children.”

“If prayers can bring comfort, we will continue to say them”

The 52-year-old went on to say that “measures must be taken so that no parent has to experience what the parents in Uvalde and the others before them went through”. In the end, he addressed the victims’ relatives in emotional words: “For those who care about their relatives today [in der Schule] When you left without knowing it was goodbye, there are no words that can understand or heal your loss, but when prayers can bring comfort, we will continue.”

Gabrielle Carteris, Amy Schumer, Kerry Washington and other stars mourn

Other stars expressed their sympathy, their sadness and their anger at the killing spree. Actress Gabrielle Carteris (61) found clear words on Instagram: “There are fewer restrictions on gun ownership than there are on a woman’s right to choose! Fight to end this madness – make your voice heard! If not now… when?”

Amy Schumer (40) was dismayed on Instagram: “We mourn with the community of Uvalde, a predominantly Latino community, and everyone else affected by another senseless act of violence at our schools. This is another tragic example of how pervasive this public health crisis is in our country. “

Kerry Washington (45) tweetedthat the incident was “unimaginable” for her as a mother. “School should be a safe place,” she wrote. “My heart breaks at the pain and suffering of every family member and loved one connected with today’s events in Texas. My prayers are with you.” Actor Elijah Wood (41) also commented on twitter Dismayed: “My heart goes out to the families and children at Robb Elementary School in Texas. It is truly horrific.”

Singer Bette Midler (76) sat a tweet in capital letters. “What in God’s name are we doing? This has to change! This nation is full of people who cannot control their worst impulses, and the innocent always pay the price!” she wrote, among other things.


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