Mauna Kea Technologies: 1200 Cellvizio procedures performed in Hawaii – 09/19/2023 at 10:12

(AOF) – Mauna Kea Technologies (+0.88% to 0.57 euros) announces that Dr. Jeong Kim and the clinical team at the Endoscopy Institute of Hawaii (EIH) have completed more than 1,200 procedures using its Cellvizio platform for the diagnosis and interventional treatment of gastric diseases, pathologies which can lead to stomach cancer. EIH is a member of Covenant Physician Partners, a network of facilities and physicians that operates more than 85 leading health care centers across the United States.

“Using the Cellvizio as a key complementary tool in my diagnostic arsenal, I am able to perform a thorough examination of the stomach in a relatively short period of time,” said Dr. Kim, chief gastroenterologist of the ‘EIH. “This significantly improves my detection rate for gastric intestinal metaplasia and related conditions, while allowing me to better communicate my interventional treatment plan for each patient.”


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Biotechs put to the test

These companies are suffering from a much less favorable economic cycle, which is reflected in particular by a drop in venture capital financing of start-ups. These companies are therefore obliged to carry out layoff plans. Added to this is a much more restrictive regulatory framework. First, in the United States, measures linked to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) could have a strong impact on the margins of stakeholders. Indeed, from 2026, the federal Medicare program will be able to renegotiate the price of drugs marketed for nine years (chemical) or 13 years (biological), with discounts that could range from 35 to 60% for biotechs. Likewise, in Europe, with the new drug regulations presented in Brussels in April, the duration of patent protection will be reduced if the innovative treatment is not marketed in all member countries within two years.

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