Max Giesinger in an interview: “I don’t want to find someone who is perfect!”

Max Giesinger
“I don’t want to find someone who is perfect”


Max Giesinger spoke to GALA on the occasion of his new album “Vier Einhalb”. In the interview, the musician reveals why his fear of commitment is a recurring motive and how he has learned to deal with it.

GALA: With the album “Vier Einhalb” you released seven new songs. What do the songs mean to you?

Max Giesinger: The songs mean a lot to me. They all came about during the 2020 pandemic – first lockdown wave. I’ve had time to let the last few years sink in and, above all, time to think about what’s actually good for me and what’s not. I asked myself: Where do I have to adjust a few screws? How important is my private life to me? How many gigs is too much?

Fear of commitment is a recurring motif in the album. Is that something you’re working on?

Clear. This is definitely a topic I’ve been dealing with for a long time. Because I don’t want to be single in my retirement flat as a 60-year-old, so it makes sense to ask yourself these questions at an early stage.

Which questions are those exactly?

Why is it difficult for me to get involved with someone? Why am I still so restless? Fear of commitment was a big theme on this record, next record maybe I won’t write four or five songs about it.

How do you deal with this fear now?

I’ve started to stop seeing a relationship as something that enchains me. With the right woman, a partnership can be something extremely beautiful. Of course, the prerequisite is that you talk about the respective needs and respect them. Relationships often break up simply because many people are reluctant to openly communicate what they really want.

You can only confront the fear of commitment by getting involved in something.

What’s your favorite song?

Taxi. I’ve been playing it on the piano every other day for two years.

They sing about a summer romance. Did the story really happen like that?

Yes, this happened to me in 2012. I met a pretty cool girl in Karlsruhe. The vibe was just there. But we didn’t manage to exchange numbers and then we broke up. We never saw each other again. I still think back to it very often. A little tip: If you play Taxi backwards, you can hear my cell phone number – that way she could still reach me.

That’s brave. Do you often take the first step?

Phew, I must be having a confident day. I’m not one to approach a girl on the street, I’m too scared of rejection.

Understand. What’s your take on dating apps?

I can imagine that people who aren’t as courageous as I am will think it’s great. It’s easier. Of course, people also become more interchangeable. You end up in a world where you suspect the supposedly better partner around every next corner.

I don’t want to find someone who is perfect, I’m not perfect myself either!

If 60-year-old Max isn’t living in an old people’s flat, where is he?

If all goes well, maybe in a cute little house by the lake. With a dog and two kids. If I can no longer afford the prices in Germany, it will be a hut in Portugal. Definitely in nature.


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