May 1: Marine Le Pen targets Emmanuel Macron’s “desired” political decisions

Alexandre Chauveau / Photo credit: Lou BENOIST / AFP

The National Rally (RN) celebrated its first “Nation Day” in Le Havre this Monday, May 1, which replaces the traditional tribute to Joan of Arc. The opportunity for Marine Le Pen to once again target President Emmanuel Macron for his management of the country and his political decisions “knowingly implemented”.

Tricolor flags are placed on each plate. The “Fête de la Nation” is intended to be a popular and festive banquet, but the latter remains above all a political event. Marine Le Pen is alone on stage, facing her desk, and draws up an apocalyptic assessment of Emmanuel Macron’s second term as new excesses took place during the May 1 demonstrations.

“The result of political decisions by our rulers”

“By leading against unanimous opinion, he provokes, he maintains, and even fuels the reprehensible temptation of street violence”, announces the former presidential candidate. Marine Le Pen took the opportunity to insist on the importance of elections to politically transform the anger of citizens. “Everything that happens is the result of political decisions by our rulers. Most of them have been willed, decided, implemented knowingly,” she continues.

The banquet finally ended with a eulogy of the nation drawn up by Jordan Bardella who invites caution despite the flattering polls for the RN. “The high scores that the polls promise us are a call to responsibility and an injunction to humility,” he says. On leaving, the participants agree to meet for next year in another city which is still unknown for the moment.

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