Medef calls for further reduction of production taxes

The employers’ organization presented its grievances on Monday in view of the presidential election.

Presidential candidates now know the date, location, and menu. As in the previous election in 2017, the Medef will receive applicants: it will be February 21 at Station F, the start-up campus created by Xavier Niel. And to fuel the discussions, the employers’ organization presented this Monday the program that it wishes for “make France succeed“.

The opportunity also to recall that the company should be at the heart of the proposals, while “we hardly ever talk about the economy or companies“, once again lamented Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, the president of the organization.

Attract talent

Since October, the territorial branches of the Medef have been developing a list of priorities which aim to promote a “strong and responsible growth“. The idea is to support purchasing power, finance the social model and make the ecological transition a success. To achieve this, the Medef defends tax measures such as the continued reduction…

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