Medef: who is Patrick Martin, the favorite to become the new boss of bosses?

Margaux Fodéré: Photo credit: Ludovic MARIN / AFP
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2:53 p.m., July 06, 2023

This Thursday, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux will step down after a single term of five years. Big favorite, Patrick Martin, current deputy president of Medef, he seduces thanks to his ambitions and he should follow the line of the mandate of his predecessor.

After five years at the head of Medef, the boss of bosses, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux will leave his place. In the running to succeed him, Dominique Carla’ch, vice-president of the employers’ organization, and Patrick Martin, current deputy president of Medef, is given favorite. At 63, this boss of a group specializing in construction and industry has a well-filled CV.

A man of conviction and ambition according to the employers’ organization

A graduate of Science Po and ESSEC, holder of a law degree, Patrick Martin became the right arm of Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, five years ago, after passing through several local Medef. A man of ambition, more than a man of conviction, tackles a member of the employers’ organization. This ambition is also what appeals to Fabien Rossignol, president of Medef Saône-et-Loire. “It’s a real asset to have someone who has this desire and this will. The remarkable career at the head of his group can only establish this credibility”, he explains. Not the best communicator, say some, but Patrick Martin has experience in the territories and should offer a mandate in the tradition of Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.

Two positive points for Karel Henry, president of Medef Sarthe. “With the trade unions alongside companies in the territories, alignment seems to me to be the one that must continue to be implemented”, she explains. In any case, the candidate elected today will have another project to deal with: that of the distrust of companies, more than one out of two TPE managers has a bad image of Medef, according to an Ifop poll.

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